Piers Phillips is a British artist working in painting and printmaking. His pieces often combine the use of a limited palette and application of the medium to create prominent forms and composition.

This includes a close focus on the manipulation of form, colour and texture, as well as the ability to translate a visual interpretation of the natural environment into a tangible piece of work.

By considering the process within the work, each piece is realised from an initial idea through careful application of the chosen medium. The translation of this idea allows viewers to understand the artist’s thoughts whilst providing a platform to inform their own.

Repetitive mark making is used within many of the pieces. Individually applied, and informed by the same gesture, the marks are used to bring a sense of unity to the composition when viewed as a whole. However, further consideration reveals that each application bears its own characteristics, encouraging the viewer to develop and interpret new forms within each work.

The pieces are designed to connect the observer with their emotional response to viewing a work of art. This aims to counteract the disposable nature of modern society and the rapid consumption of instant stimuli, instead highlighting the importance of taking time to immerse ourselves in what is in front of us.

All works are available for purchase unless marked otherwise.

Please contact the studio for further information.

Studio contact: piers@piersphillips.com




BA Hons (1st Class) Interior Architecture & Design. Nottingham Trent University


Foundation in Art & Design, Merit. Kingston-Upon-Hull College of Art & Design



Small Works - Tinker Gallery, UK


RED - Tinker Gallery, UK

ARTICLE 25 - 10 X 10 - London, UK.

The Other Art Fair - London, UK


Group Show - Gallery 33-35, Amersfoort, NL.

The Other Art Fair - London, UK


ARTICLE 25 - 10 X 10 - London, UK.